Fighting Words Friday: Everlasting Light

The Lord will be your everlasting light.

- Isaiah 60:20b

There’s a documentary called “Look What the Light Did Now” that I’ve heard of. I haven’t seen it yet, but I LOVE that title. I say this phrase now all the time when looking at the way the light makes things beautiful…sunsets, lit up clouds at dusk, sun filtering through rain clouds making the drops look like gold, the moon reflected on the ocean, moon beams shining through the giant tulip poplar in the backyard on summer nights. I love the light. 

So grateful for the way the light of God’s love has brought so much beauty, empathy, and transformation in my life. When I read this verse now, I think of that same phrase. “Look what the light did now.” And the love and light of God will never go away. Everlasting light is ours to enjoy no matter how dark the night gets.