Fighting Words Friday: Be Joyful Always

“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I generally love this kind instruction to always be joyful, to pray and to give thanks. These feel like such positive ways to approach life, but in light of the circumstances we so often face: hardship, loss, mistakes we make, sickness, uncertainty, mental illness, these positive practices feel a lot harder. Being joyful in the midst of getting really hard news feels crazy to me. Am I supposed to make my way through a tough season by pretending to be joyful? I’m meant to be  joyful and give thanks even when my heart is breaking?! I’m so grateful that there is so much room and evidence for lament all throughout scripture. Jesus wept. We are made to grieve and weep and lament, but I also think we are made to rejoice and pray and give thanks. We need all of these things to be healthy and well. 

When I have followed this instruction, it has always been a gift. It is good for my breaking heart to remember that even as I grieve, I’m never alone. I can share every sigh and disappointment with God through prayer. Even when my heart is full of sorrow, I have cause for joy and giving thanks because I can be certain that sorrow isn’t the end of the story. The times I’ve tried to find gratitude and joy, in both heavy and light seasons, I almost always find it. The seasons I pray continually through, whether they are full of joy or sorrow, I’m always reminded that I’m not alone. Not sure where you are today, but whatever it is you are facing, I hope you can find some comfort in knowing you’re not walking through it alone, and that Love gets the final word.