Fighting Words Friday: His Love Endures Forever

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story

- Psalm 107:1-2a

I’m especially fond of this verse because I love stories. I love the story that scripture tells of God sending His son to our broken, weary world. The story where Love beats death and builds a bridge for every beating heart from hopelessness to hope, from alone to beloved, and from death to life. 

I think too of so many kids who are at Young Life camps right now hearing about the gospel story, and how they’ll have a chance to stand up at “Say So”, a meeting and celebration inspired by this verse,  and tell their stories of how God’s love has rescued , healed, and changed them.

I’m deeply grateful for the presence of enduring love, and for all the stories I’ve had the privilege of hearing about how that enduring love changed everything. Keep telling your story. It matters. Keep listening to other people’s stories. It matters. What a joy that we get to be swept up into the story of God’s love that’s so big and epic. It certainly gives great reason for gratitude.