Fighting Words Friday: Guide Me In Your Truth

Guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my Savior,

and my hope is in you all day long.

- Psalm 25:5

As I read this verse, God reminded me that He is a good Father and a kind and gentle guide. I often forget (especially on the days when I myself am being the stubborn little sheep!) that I can turn from myself and place my hope and trust in Him. The days are crazy, but my goodness, when I take just a little time to ask Him for guidance and wisdom, I never regret it. He never runs out of energy or patience, and He always finds a way to answer me and lead me—which changes the way I move through the moments of managing whatever chaos I have in front of me.

*For the full write-up, turn to page 104 of your Fighting Words Devotional.