Fighting Words Friday: The Truth Will Set You Free

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

- John 8:32

God’s Word never leaves us and never forsakes us. Jesus has already paid for anything and everything the enemy might accuse us of. There’s no debt left to be paid, no finger left to be pointed in our face. We are wrongly accused—not because we didn’t mess up at some point, but because the mess is already cleaned up!

And we can move forward without looking back. Because that’s what fighting lies with the truth of God’s Word does for us—it sets us free. I’m so thankful this is true. I’m so grateful for the way the truth of God’s Word and His love for us have transformed my weary and forgetful heart over and over again, especially when I’m battered by lies and accusations. Thankful for all the ways truth continues to bring freedom in my life, and your life too.

*For the full write-up, turn to page 41 of your Fighting Words Devotional.