Fighting Words Friday: You Are My Help

On my bed, I remember You . I think of You through the watches of the night. Because You are my help, I’ll sing in the shadow of Your wings.

- Psalm 63:6-7

What are the things your mind tends to focus on when you’re trying to fall asleep at night? Some of you might be like my husband. As soon as his head hits the pillow, he’s OUT 😂. But some of you might be like me, and find that when you finally lay down to sleep at night, your mind starts racing…thinking through all that happened that day, and through things you forgot, through mistakes made, through what needs to be done the next day. You might be like me too and think of people you love who might be struggling, and the thoughts just keep racing. This verse has been such a comfort and a companion for me. When I sing or speak  this verse over myself at night, it helps me bring all of my thoughts, my fears, and my worry into the presence of the One who is always at the ready to help me, to bring peace and hope to any dark corner of my mind, to any dark night of the soul. I hope it brings you peace and hope too.