Fighting Words Friday: You Are A Shield Around Me

But you are a shield around me, oh Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud, and He answers me from his holy hill.

Psalm 3:3-4

So grateful for the image of the love of God being a shield around me. Have you ever felt completely attacked by lies, caught up in a shame storm sometimes of your own making, sometimes coming from somewhere else? I sure have, and I love this image of God being a shield for me to find shelter under. A safe place to rest and to pour out my heart. Whatever you’re facing, whatever lies might be stealing your joy, whatever pain you might be walking through that is hurting your soul, I hope this verse reminds you that you never have to face anything alone. You don’t have to hang your head in shame. You can look into the face of the One who made you and who always hears your cries for help and be reminded that no matter where you are or what you are walking through, you have a place where you belong.