Fighting Words Friday: You Will Protect Me From Trouble

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

- Psalm 32:7

The image of God being a hiding place, a place of protection is so precious to me. I have come to this verse often when I have been afraid, during seasons when I have felt under attack, whether by someone’s words here on instagram, by an onslaught of fears or worries, by an intensely busy schedule that feels like it will drown me, or by the weight of this broken world and the sadness that can sometimes just come crashing down over my head. 

 This promise from Psalm 32:7 reminds me that I never have to face any of that alone, which is deeply comforting to me. I always have a shelter built of love, and the door is always open, and no matter how dark things get, there is light and hope and peace inside. Not only that…there is this image in this verse that reminds me of a mother. I love imagining God as a mother, holding a scared or sad or sick child to her chest, rocking and humming softly the songs that bring comfort to the most weary and trembling soul. Whatever you face today, I pray that you’ll be reminded that you are not alone. God is with you. God is holding you, protecting you, and humming songs of deliverance over you. What a precious and intimate peek into the heart of God to care so tenderly and so well for all of us.