Fighting Words Friday: In the Image of God He Created Them

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.

- Genesis 1:27

Have you noticed how angry people can get at each other these days? Whether it is over religion or politics or something else, my heart aches so deeply when I see the world seemingly on fire. So much division. So many insults thrown back and forth. So much hurt.

I love the reminder here in Genesis that we are image-bearers of the Creator of the world. This passage is so healing in a world of hurt, isn’t it? Every single person on the planet bears the image and likeness of God Himself. Which means we all—each and every one of us—deserve dignity and honor, no matter our differences. Can you imagine what the world would look like if each of us believed this was true about not only ourselves but our neighbors too?

May I remember this truth as I encounter every man and every woman in my path—that no matter what they believe or how they vote or how they live their life, that they are image-bearers of God. May knowing this grow compassion and patience in me, and also a sense of wonder. And may I remember that I too am an image-bearer of God the next time I start hating on myself.

*For the full write-up, turn to page 61 of your Fighting Words Devotional.