Fighting Words Friday: In the Land of the Living

I remain confident of this:

I will see the goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living.

- Psalm 27:13

My heart has been heavy this week. In the wake of the tragic and racially motivated mass shooting in Buffalo, my heart just breaks and longs for a day where every wrong is made right, where we all see the beauty and wonder of God in every single person made in the image of the Divine. But for now, the world is a broken and unsafe place for so many. Singing this verse felt like holding onto a promise I’m having a hard time believing this week. I’m so grateful for the hope we have that is grounded in an empty grave, grounded in the empathy of a God who suffered and ultimately died on our behalf so we could know that even on the hardest grieving days, even in the most tragic of circumstances when it feels like darkness will surely win, that the love and light of God are what have the final word.

It’s mental health awareness month, and I love that in light of the hardest battles that some of us face within our own minds and souls, there is a presence of Goodness and Love that can hold us even in the midst of the shadows and darkness. And if you are grieving, like me, that racism is still here and causing harm, damage, and fear for our black and brown brothers and sisters, let’s use our voices to lift one another up, to speak up, and to advocate for a better world than the one we live in now, a world where all are treated equally and where racism isn’t tolerated. Let’s be agents of peace and reconciliation, evidence of a Goodness that will one day swallow up all that is broken and bent. Also, for my black brothers and sisters, I know you are grieving. Take all the time you need to take care of your hearts and minds, and know that I am praying that even in the midst of such tragic events, you’ll feel seen and carried and held by the goodness and tenderness of God.