Fighting Words Friday: Whom Shall I Fear?

The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

- Psalm 27:1

Of all my “fighting words” verses, I’ll never forget how this one ended up in my life. I began memorizing this verse many years ago after someone had broken into our home and stolen our TV and some other things. Has that ever happened to you—a break-in? If so, you probably remember that day as one where it wasn’t just a person who broke into your home, but when fear broke into your heart, which is something that lingers a lot longer than thieves do.

After the break-in, I was frozen in fear as I went to bed each night, but I had a friend tell me that if I would continue proclaiming God’s Word, even when I didn’t feel like or trust that it was true, that His Word would prevail. I said this verse out loud many nights, for months, over and over again, and still felt terrified. I wrote this verse and several others on cards and taped them up all over the house so I could be reminded of the truth, and while those cards were wonderful reminders, I still felt fearful. But one night, something finally clicked, and I felt this weight lift off of my chest because I actually started believing that God was my stronghold. If the Lord is truly the One holding onto me, then there is nothing I have to fear.

Whatever it is that is breaking into your life right now, trying to steal your joy and peace, my prayer is that you’ll hold on to His promises, friend. Because when those break into your life, nothing can hold you captive any longer. He is faithful. He’s a stronghold. He’s a light. We don’t have to be afraid.

*For the full write-up, turn to page 26 of your Fighting Words Devotional.