Fighting Words Friday: Sleep in Peace

Have you ever had trouble getting to sleep? (Insert a picture of me waving my hand wildly!) Sometimes it’s because I drank caffeine too late in the day. Other times, it’s because I am an extrovert completely energized by time with people, and if I’m around a lot of people before bed, it takes hours to wind down and be able to sleep/rest/chill. But more often than not, I don’t fall asleep because there is much on my mind, too many plates I am spinning, too many things or people I am worried about, and my mind can’t seem to stop racing, feeling like I need to hold it all together. Then comes this verse, so sweet to sing over my racing mind…reminding me that there is always a safe place to rest and to lay down any burden in the Lord. So Lord, help me lay my burdens and worries down and enter into Your safe-keeping. Help me to rest in the safety and security of Your love.