Fighting Words Friday: He Trusts in You

Perfect peace. Doesn’t that sound like an incredible promise? In light of so much conflict and pain in this world, it almost sounds impossible, but God promises that He will keep us in “perfect peace” when our minds are steadfastly placing our trust in Him.

I have seen this to be true over and over in my life. Just recently, my heart has been overwhelmed with the weight of the conflict in Ukraine. Worry and sadness and heaviness have taken up residence in my soul as the chaos there continues, but I have been practicing turning my attention from the chaos of war, to the Prince of Peace. I’ve been holding up our brothers and sisters in Ukraine to the light of Christ, and asking God to change the heart of Putin. This doesn’t just solve the conflict by any means, but it does bring peace to me as I remember that no matter what happens on this broken earth, Love gets the final word, not death. Peace gets the final word, not war. I’ve watched in awe as followers of Jesus have bravely fought for freedom, have boldly stood up to tyranny, have sung songs of praise at the top of their lungs in the midst of battle. This is evidence to me that this verse is true. There is a Rock eternal that is sturdy, even in the midst of the chaos of war.

Lord, help me to keep my mind steadfast on You. Help us to find refuge and rest and ultimate peace as we lift our eyes to You. Bring peace to Ukraine and to every man and woman who longs for peace even in the midst of the brokenness and loss they are facing right now. Thank you for this promise of perfect peace. May it be so.