Fighting Words Friday: You are With Me

“You are with me." This has been a refrain I come back to over and over again in my life. When I make mistakes…”You are with me." When I feel lost…”You are with me." When I am overwhelmed by sorrow…”You are with me." When death steals and depression dulls… “You are with me." I’m so grateful for the way the Psalms are so familiar with valley places, with feelings of terror and doubt, with desperation and the wringing of hands, minds wrought with worry facing impossible circumstances, weariness, forgetfulness, and pain. We all walk through valleys. We all know what it is to be broken, to ache, to lose, to be afraid, and woven into all of these circumstances and words that represent the light breaking into the darkness…. “ You are with me." “Comfort." Grateful for the companionship I’ve experienced even in my darkest valleys with God, and for the comfort I’ve received over and over again, whispered reminders that the suffering never gets the final word….Love does.

Lord, help me remember, whatever I face today or tomorrow….“You are with me.”