Fighting Words Friday: Those Who Look to Him are Radiant

Those who look to him are radiant;

their faces are never covered with shame

-Psalm 34:5

Friend, there is no room for shame in the gospel, and having lived under the weight of shame for so many years of my life, I’m so grateful for the freedom that comes with being both known and loved. In fact, as I continue to own the brokenness in my life more and more, the power of God’s love for me becomes more and more beautiful.

I love that this verse reminds us that “those who look to him are radiant” (emphasis added). We have nothing to hide, no need to hustle for our worth, because our eyes are on the One who made us, the One who loves us, the One who has rescued us, and the One who will never leave us no matter what kind of messes we get ourselves into. May we ever be looking up into the eyes of Love.