Fighting Words Friday: You Will Keep In Perfect Peace

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal. 

- Isaiah 26:3-4

I feel like my mind is anything but steadfast a lot of days. Is that true for you too? I often feel scattered, moving ungracefully from one thought to another. It is so easy to get distracted for me, and so I come to these words from Isaiah, and I’m reminded that generally when I am feeling scattered and split in every direction, it’s because I’m putting my trust and my hope in things that will never truly offer me rest or measure up to the Lord and His love for me. 

So in the midst of our busy, stressed, scattered, or consuming seasons — whether they be full of “to-do” lists, preparations for celebrations, holiday planning, grocery runs, work emails, diaper changes, constant advertisements of things we “need,” figuring out dinner, dealing with a crisis, or just getting the kids to do their homework on time, may we remember that God gives perfect peace to those who trust in Him.

For the full write-up, turn to page 176 of your Fighting Words Devotional.