Fighting Words Friday: Get Some Rest

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

- Mark 6:31

How amazing does this sound? “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.“ How often do you do this? Is it hard to get quiet for you? I feel like with my phone ringing and buzzing and alerting me every time a friend posts a picture, the coat I was looking at goes on sale, or the latest tragedy strikes via my news feed, it’s hard to get quiet. My watch that’s on my wrist will even buzz at me if I’m still for too long telling me to MOVE. I think movement and work is good. I truly do, but those come to me naturally. For me, it takes work and intention to REST. Sounds crazy, but I am learning to turn my phone off, to be still, to meditate on beauty and truth, and it takes a herculean effort to get there some days. But guess what? I have not one regret about taking time to rest and to be quiet in the presence of the One who loves me most and knows me best.