Fighting Words Friday: Find Rest, Oh My Soul

“Find rest, Oh my soul, in God alone;

my hope comes from Him.”

-Psalm 62:5

To be honest? Resting is not something that I’m very good at. I am much more prone to busy, to filling the calendar to the brim, to worrying, to trying to “fix” things for myself and for others. I’m not great at sabbath, at turning things over to His care, at leaning on His strength instead of trusting my own, but here is this beautiful invitation/instruction for our souls… Find rest in God alone. Lord, help me to take each step, each care, each burden to Your strong and capable arms. Help me to breathe in the fact that I am Your beloved and rest in that, even when I feel in over my head, even when I worry, even when I’ve made mistakes, help me collapse into Your love and find true rest. 

I was talking to God about this idea earlier this week, and He gave me this picture of me hiding in the cleft of a mountainside, pushing up with all my might to keep it from caving in, and then all of the sudden Jesus entered the scene. When I saw his face, I suddenly remembered that  I could let go. I don’t have to hold the mountains up. God does that, and I can rest in the fact that no matter what mountain I’m facing, His love is a safe place for me to find refuge, rest, and hope. Praying I’ll remember this each moment, and when I’m exhausted from carrying way too much on my shoulders, I hope that I boss my soul around like David bosses his soul around in this Psalm, and whisper/yell these words to my weary soul… ”FIND REST in God.” Take a deep breath today. You are held and loved in every place. You don’t have to carry on alone, and no matter what you’re facing, because of Jesus and His love for you, there is always hope.