Fighting Words Friday: Go out with Joy

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“You will indeed go out with joy 

and be led forth in peace; 

the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, 

and all the trees of the field will clap their hands”

- Isaiah 55:12

I LOVE this verse and how it talks about the mountains singing and the trees clapping their hands! If I can keep my eyes open to the beauty all around me, to the beauty of a God who made me and knows me fully and loves me anyway, it shifts everything else. It puts what’s true and lovely into focus, and even in the valley places, I have known joy & hope that’s grounded deeper than any sorrow I’ve encountered, and a peace that doesn’t really make sense to have in the dark and shadowed places.

A dear friend once told me to let JOY drive, and I’ll never forget it. That doesn’t mean sorrow or fear or ache or longing will never be present, but goodness gracious, why not let joy take the wheel in the midst of all the pain we encounter here on this broken but beautiful earth. Lord, let me go out with joy and be led forth with peace. May our voices mingle with the song creation sings of Your goodness and faithfulness and kindness and mercy and love.

I hope my new record Canyon does this for those who listen… opens eyes and ears to see and hear the beauty of God, the beauty on this earth, and to rest in the arms of love even in the pit of the deepest canyons of our pain, and perhaps… having received unexpected and unimaginable comfort even there, that we may sing songs of joy that echo from this broken earth to the highest heavens & remind every heart who hears these songs that there is always hope.