Fighting Words Friday: Come to the Waters

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“Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; 

and you without money, come, buy, and eat! 

Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost!”

- Isaiah 55:1a

Are you thirsty? Are you weary? There is plenty to drink at the banks of the river. There's a current of love that will carry us when it feels like we can't carry on any longer… if we'll only let it. Come drink your fill, there's always enough. Come rest and let the burdens you carry heavy on your shoulders slide off into Love's capable and strong hands. Come. Breathe deep. There is a Love that runs deeper than our deepest ache or pain. There are hidden reservoirs of peace and hope beneath us that we can access at any moment. This verse is such a beautiful invitation, and I hope that the songs on CANYON will feel like an invitation as well… to rest in the current of living water that runs to our lowest places and carries us back home, to the place where we know we belong to love and to the place we know we belong to each other. Come, all you who are thirsty. Come to the waters. Rest. Play. Breathe. Dance. Sing. There's good cause for rejoicing!! As it turns out, we are the object of God's affection, and as we drink our fill, He fills us to the measure and that current of living water ends up running through us so we can bring refreshment, hope, life, and light to the darkest corners of our own hearts and the weary world around us.