Fighting Words Friday: He Rescued Us from the Darkness

Fighting Words Friday 7-16-21.jpg

"For He rescued us from the domain of darkness,
and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son."

-Colossians 1:13

This verse reminds me so much of my mom’s story. She didn’t grow up in the church so to speak, but in middle school, she encountered the Living God, and says that it was like her world went from “black and white, to 3D and color”. This story is part of what inspired the bridge of my new song Color, and I’m so grateful that even though there is certainly a lot of darkness here in this weary world, there is also a LOVE that beats death and rescues us from darkness, hopelessness, and loneliness to bring us into a place of light and hope and belonging. I hope you know that whatever you’re facing today, you are loved and you are not alone.