Fighting Words Friday: He Will Make Your Paths Straight


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart

    and lean not on your own understanding; 

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.“ 

- Proverbs 3:5-6

One of the best and most transformative things I’ve heard lately is some wisdom from my friend Stephanie Fitzgerald. She was speaking to a small group I’m in when she said, “It’s not our job to manage the way other people think.” This felt like a timely message in light of the tangled mess of hate and judgement and criticism that can be found in comment sections on social media these days. I’ve thought of this verse a lot in these divided days of our nation. For me, so much changes when I lean on my own understanding. I’ll think I get where someone else is coming from, but there’s no way I can fully know a person’s heart. I think I’ll understand the full truth and the clear picture about something, but often times I’m missing the perspective of someone on the other side of the argument I might be trying to make.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t use our bright minds and our critical thinking to speak truth and practice discernment, but I am saying that EVERY time I bring issues/people/conflict before the Lord and lean on His presence and His love, my understanding usually shifts, I’m usually made aware of things I need to repent of, and I’m received as I am with all of my mess and faults by the love of God, whose nature is kind and who can work all things for our good. So this is my prayer: “Lord, before I comment, before I post, before I take offense, before I criticize, before I plan, before I create, before I parent, & before I speak, would You help me remember that I can lean on You and You promise to give wisdom to those who ask for it (James 1:5)? I can acknowledge You with my hurt/confusion/anger/disappointment/sadness/certainty/questions, and You meet me with kindness and guide me on a good path. Help me know that it isn’t my job to manage the way other people think. I can trust You with that, and follow Your lead to help me speak truth in love when necessary and to be silent when necessary. Thank You that You love us enough to not leave us as we are.