Fighting Words Friday: Taste & See


“Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—

how good God is.

Blessed are you who run to him.” - Psalm 34:8 -MSG

Is it really that simple? Oh let me be quick to open my eyes, expectant to see the goodness of God. This verse from Psalms says that those who run to Him are blessed. Why is it that I run about every other place BUT the Lord some days? I look for goodness in my circumstance, in what others say about me, in how much I can get done in a day, and honestly, all of these things shift drastically from day to day, but do you know what is steady and sure? The goodness of God. I’m not sure why I forget this so often. Why would I not run towards arms that are ever ready to receive/comfort/heal/and encourage me? Why would I not run to the God who says He daily bears our burdens? I forget, and so I strive. I struggle. I fail. I fall. Lord, help me to remember that all I have to do is turn my eyes toward you, and there is beauty and goodness that I’ll take in EVERY time. There is tenderness and compassion and kindness, sweet like honey to the tongue, if only I’ll remember to open my mouth to taste it. There is rest and relief and comfort and shelter, if only I’ll remember the blessing of running to Him. Help me run, not walk to collapse into Your marvelously strong and capable arms today, God.