Fighting Words Friday: I Have Come That They May Have Life

You know those Bible verses that you just adore? The ones that always seem to speak life over you, no matter the situation? The ones that you just keep coming back to? This is one of those for me. I love this verse. I have always loved it.

When I was much younger, I used to think that this verse was simply a promise for a wonderful life full of good things, and while I have certainly experienced a wonderful life full of so many gifts from God, I don’t think that is what Jesus means here. I think it means so much more.

As I have walked through a good deal of sorrow and loss, what I have encountered even in those hard, dark places, is the abundance of God’s love and comfort and mercy. While a life full of tangible blessings is so wonderful to experience at times, they can’t get you through the darkness in the way God’s presence and character can. In the bountiful places and the empty ones, He’s the real blessing we crave. He’s the true gift we seek. He’s the vibrant life we desire. No matter who or what tries to steal it away from us, He’s where the abundance is.

For the full write-up, turn to page 124 of your Fighting Words Devotional