Fighting Words Friday: Trust in the Lord

Maybe I’m alone in this, but I used to think this verse meant that if I prayed and acknowledged God in my messes, it would make everything work out exactly like I wanted it to. I know that’s not true now, but I also know that God is a way-maker. I’ve seen Him show up in the most dire and dark circumstances to make a way from hopelessness to hope, from darkness to light, from fear to peace. It may not have looked the way I wanted it to. It may not have matched one of the scenarios I tried to forecast, but in His own time and in His own way, somehow, He made the path straight. Time and time again, I’ve walked right out of a situation that I thought I was trapped in, that I thought had no logical way out of, but His hand holds me and guides me through, and I can look back and see the love of God moving in ways beyond my understanding.

For the full write-up, turn to page 168 of your Fighting Words Devotional.