Fighting Words Friday: Love One Another, As I Have Loved You

This verse helps me ask myself this question in every scenario: “How can I love here? Even if we disagree . . . even if we look at the world so differently? How can I love as I have been loved?”

I don’t know how to love well in certain places of tension especially, but I think it might start with more listening and kindness as Christians. After all, the world has to look somewhere to see what love is like. Shouldn’t it be best displayed in Jesus’ people? I love that Jesus didn’t say, “Convince everyone that I am real! Beat it over their heads.” He said, “Love one another.” The way He loves us. That’s the word Jesus spoke over His disciples before He left. That’s His plan for how the world might know how real He truly is. That’s what should mark us in this world. You and me and all our brothers and sisters in the family of God loving each other, and loving our neighbors too; this is the way people identify where the presence of Christ is!

For the full write-up, turn to page 146 of your Fighting Words Devotional.