Fighting Words Friday: The New Creation Has Come

I don’t know about you, but I get so excited about those moments of the year that offer a new start. Sometimes it’s the beginning of a new year. Other times, it’s the summer, where families get a fresh experience of spending time together. In other cases, it’s the fall, where the school calendar picks back up in August and everyone gets their binders, notebooks, and bookbags, ready to discover what a brand-new school year holds. Sometimes my birthday feels like a fresh start, or simply the changing of the seasons . . . those first warm spring days when the flowers start blooming or those first crisp days of fall.

These moments in our yearly calendar remind me that God always gives us a fresh start, but also that He loves us enough to keep moving us forward from where we once were…He’s never just repeating the same season over again with nothing to show for it. Instead, He’s always moving us onward and upward, transforming us into the image of His Son, even when it doesn’t feel like it. He promises that the “old you” has gone—who we once were apart from Christ isn’t how God sees us anymore—and that the new creation, the person we were always meant to be, is now here because of Jesus.

For the full write-up, turn to page 100 of your Fighting Words Devotional.