Fighting Words Friday: If Any of You Lacks Wisdom, You Should Ask God

Is anyone else out there like me and terrible at making decisions? It's one of my least favorite qualities about myself. I can be extremely indecisive on making schedule/work decisions, on where to go to dinner, on how to have a hard conversation with someone, about what to cook for dinner, or how to parent!!! I'll work myself up into a tizzy, trying to choose wisely and move forward in the best way possible, and it's on these days when this verse is a deep comfort to me. I love that God knows we need wisdom, need help making good decisions that bring about life and flourishing sometimes, and I love this promise that says when we ask, HE GIVES WISDOM TO US GENEROUSLY!

The other day, I was at the end of myself, with my mind feeling frayed and scattered and indecisive about how to best parent our three year old, who is AMAZING but who can also be a hand full at times. I called a few friends, started listening to a parenting podcast that I love ( Are My Kids on Track @Daystar), and shuffled through the bookshelf looking for books that apply to this stage we are in with our boy. It's not that any of that is wrong, y'all! All good things, and I am deeply grateful for each and every resource, but for me there is NOTHING quite like brining decisions, people you love, hardship, longing and ache into the presence of God. Sometimes, I truly forget that I can just ask Him. I can ask for wisdom, for help, for guidance, and this promise reminds me that when I do, God responds generously. Also, when I get my kids, my community, my work, my marriage brought into the presence of God, lifted up to Him, I'm reminded that it's not just me tending to and working at these things, we are all held in the hands of a God who loves us, who faithfully listens, and who promises here in James 1:5 to give us wisdom when we ask for it. Deeply grateful for this reminder that we don't have to navigate this life alone.