Fighting Words Friday: Rejoice in the Lord Always

This is one of my favorite promises from God's word. Why? Because I've experienced peace when it made NO sense to have peace. As I've learned...slowly and steadily...over the years to rejoice, to turn to God even when my heart is absolutely breaking, even when I feel lost, and say "thank you that You are near...even here," I have been met over and over again by a peace that I know I didn't muster up on my own. No matter what we face in this life that so often breaks our hearts, we always have a reason to rejoice because "the Lord is near.”

Oh Lord, help me believe it. Help me turn to You when I am at the end of my rope, when worry and fret are sitting in the driver's seat of my life. Help me to to ask You for help, to move forward in gratitude, and to rejoice that You are matter what. Replace all of my fear with deep peace.

Thanks for joining me for our FIRST Memory Monday! How did it go, y'all?!? I'd love to hear stories in the comments of how meditating on and memorizing this first verse has comforted or encouraged you this week!

Don't forget! Share this week's #MemoryMondays Reel to be entered to win a Fighting Words notebook, signed vinyl record of CANYON, and a @thistlefarms candle.

THANK YOU for coming along this journey with me to bury some treasure and light in our hearts.