Fighting Words Friday: Where Can I Go From Your Spirit?

“I know You love us, God, but surely You can’t—or won’t—come find me in this situation. I’ve run too far from You for You to reach me now.”
Have you ever had that thought? Have you ever naturally assumed that you’ve run so far away, God’s hand surely wouldn’t be willing to uphold you there? I have. And you and me, we aren’t the only ones. Remember Adam and Eve? They tried to run. Remember Jonah? He tried to run too. Remember Joseph in the Old Testament, in the pit? Surely he thought he had descended far too deep for God to even remember him. Yet in all these cases and more, God found each person and met them exactly where they thought He couldn’t. When I’m stuck in those “wanting to run away” moments, I find such comfort in these verses. There is nowhere we can run, nowhere we can hide, that is out of the reach of God’s love for us.

For the full write-up, turn to page 55 of your Fighting Words Devotional