Fighting Words Friday: Your Consolation Brought me Joy


“When anxiety was great within me,

your consolation brought me joy.”

- Psalm 94:9

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Jesus is the best person I can think of to be with when you are experiencing anxiety or worry or fear or sorrow. He has felt sorrow too. He has wept. He has asked God to “take this cup if it is possible”. I love that we have a God who is able to understand our grief, and not only that, He is able to point us through the grief to the hope that we have because of how Jesus died for us and walked out of the grave. So we have comfort and consolation both now and forever. This perspective is so good for me to have in this season of uncertainty in our country.  In the wake of a year full of loss and division and uncertainty,  I’m hoping for something better. I’m hoping for truth to prevail, for love to win the day, for true reconciliation and healing. I know we may not see all of that this side of glory, but until then, I just keep asking the Lord to remind me to come to Him when I feel overwhelmed by the anxiety of all that is happening. I have slowed my scrolling in these days and spent more time pouring my heart out before the Lord, and I cannot recommend Jesus highly enough. Do you feel worried? Angry? Unheard? Afraid? Anxious? Come to Jesus. He’s the best listener I know, and He loves us enough to not leave us as we are, and because of the way He loves us, we can come to Him, receive consolation, and take heart. There’s hope for sure.