Fighting Words Friday: Making a Way in the Wilderness


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

- Isaiah 43:18-19

I don’t know about y’all, but after last year, I am READY for a new thing! In so many ways, we are still where we were. It’s a new year, but Covid is still rampant. People are still scared and divided, but even though everything is still a mess and still feels a bit like wilderness, I’m reminded to look for the ways God is providing. He’s here, in the middle of all of the unknowns. He’s here, in the middle of our bills that feel hard to pay. He’s here in the middle of the losses we are experiencing. He’s here in the middle of the political unrest. He’s here in the middle of the fight for justice for all. He’s here as parties get canceled, plans get changed, and school still isn’t back to normal. He’s here as we grow weary.  He’s here with us as our hearts break and question and doubt and grieve. We. Are. Not. Alone. And maybe, just maybe... last year taught us something. Lord, give me eyes to see the things You are making through this wilderness, and give me the wisdom and vision to recognize the streams you are providing in these strange times. If I can let go of what I think this next year should look like, maybe I’ll settle into getting the gift of being really present and enjoying the presence of LOVE in each moment.