Fighting Words Friday: There is No Fear in Love

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…”

-1 John 4:18a

We are in a season in our country where fear is being handed out like candy, spewed all over the news. It’s hard to know what to believe. Sadly, many of our leaders are sowing seeds of fear every day. It breaks my heart, and then social media and news outlets follow suit, stirring citizens up into a frenzy of fear. I understand that these are unprecedented times, but these are not times in which God has forsaken us. He isn’t worried. The government is still upon His shoulders. No matter where you stand politically, I want to gently remind myself and you that there is NO fear in love. With that being said, we can take a deep breath, and move forward in truth and love. We can go vote. We SHOULD go vote. We can serve, we can work, we can make dinner and make conversation, and make amends. We can ask questions and listen better than we have been. No matter how this election turns out, I have been reminding myself that to love means to move forward without fear. Lord, show me what that looks like. Help me love all people, because all people are image bearers, even if we disagree with one another. Your perfect love drives out fear. Would you drive fear out and help me be a person FULLY grounded in the depths of Your love?