Fighting Words Friday: Blessed Are those Who Mourn

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

- Matthew 5:4

Where were you on 9/11?  I was a freshman in college and I still remember standing in the student center at the University of Tennessee watching what looked like an awful scene from a movie. It was horrible. So many lives were lost. We grieved as a nation. We still do. 

There is much to grieve in our own lives, in our country, and in our world today, and this verse gives me so much hope. It reminds me that when I am in a place of great grief or sorrow, I am not alone. There is comfort for the taking. Somehow in the economy of the gospel, those who mourn will still be blessed, because there is a promise of comfort. I don’t ever wish sorrow or grief on anyone, including myself, but my goodness I am so grateful to have known the sweet comfort of the presence of God when my heart has been broken. I can tell story after story of this in my life. Here’s one of them: 

My birthday is 9/12, and I don’t think I’ve woken up on my birthday with a heavier heart than I did that year. I was so sad. I was scared. I missed home. I wanted to be with my family. My mom and dad called to wish me a happy birthday, and I sounded depressed over the phone. They consoled me, listened, and then encouraged me to get out of bed and open up my curtains to let some light in the room. When I did, I FELL out of my bed that was right by the window! Standing outside my dorm room window was my mom and dad with balloons and bagels. I wept. I needed comfort and they drove 3 hours to give it to me and just the right moment. For those who are grieving today, I’m so sorry. I’m lifting you up today and asking the Lord to bring you the comfort you need.