Fighting Words Friday: We Are Christ's Ambassadors


...and he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us.

- 2 Corinthians 5: 19b-20

Reconciliation is a beautiful thing. It’s one of my favorite upside-down parts of the gospel. We are broken and sinful, BUT GOD sent his Son, bringing BOTH justice and freedom, on the cross where Jesus gave up His life for ours. We get His righteousness for our brokenness, and this floors me, and then He calls us onward, to be carrying the message of reconciliation wherever we go. Where there is brokenness... we show up with love and humility to be reconciled and made whole as far as it is up to us. What a beautiful way to live. Having had the privilege of seeing this fleshed out in so many relationships, I’m not sure there is any work that is more beautiful. It is HARD, but it is good, so Lord, help me be about this work of reconciliation wherever I go and for all of my days. Thank you that you brought the message first, through Jesus, and that because of Him, we can move forward with faithfulness to seek reconciliation wherever we are and in whatever we do.