Fighting Words Friday: Do Everything in Love

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“Do everything in love.” 

- 1 Corinthians 16:14

This seems simple enough, right? Clean up your home in love. Prepare dinner in love. Do your work in love. This feels like a beautiful way to move about our days, and a good reminder to let God’s love be the place we start and pour out of throughout our days. This directive feels SO much more challenging when I move to the more specific and difficult aspects of daily life. Move through a traffic jam in love. Strongly disagree with someone in love. Discipline your children in love. Resolve conflict in love. Learn hard lessons in love. Engage on social media in love. 

I’m so grateful for the clear direction God gives us. Jesus lived this out… serving, seeing people, healing, listening, and speaking truth... all in love. Lord, continue to change my heart and make me more like you, especially in the crucible places. In the places where my need and weakness is exposed, help me to fall into Your love and then turn around and pour that same love out, no matter the circumstance, the person, the scenario. Teach me to DO EVERYTHING in love. Give me Your eyes for others, even when we disagree, even when they hurt me, even when I don’t understand them... help me to lead and learn and fall and get back up in love.