Fighting Words Friday: Him Who Gives Me Strength


“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

- Phillippians 4:13

To be honest, I don’t believe this a lot of days. I forget. I forget that I don’t have to muster up the energy, wisdom, strength, perseverance that is required of me each day. I have access to the creator of all things, to the most powerful and kind and generous force of love that exists. I can rest in God’s love, and go from there.

When I read this verse, I believe it more readily when I look back at all the times in my life I did things that I KNOW I didn’t have the courage or energy or strength or know-how to do. I can say as I look back, that I really have done some things I thought were impossible because His strength and love carried and guided me through. I have grieved and walked through deep, dark seasons of suffering. I have taken risks and I have showed up authentically to see relationships that I thought might have been damaged beyond repair restored to a place of flourishing. I marvel at how His love has met, comforted, restored, and changed me over the years, and I have hope that this verse really is true. We don’t have to go it alone. We get to ask from help from the One who made us and loves us completely. He’s got more than enough love, energy, time, mercy, and strength to lavish upon us, and we’ll get to tell the stories of how we didn’t have enough, but GOD…