Fighting Words Friday: I Will Help You


“For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.”

-Isaiah 41:13

When I read this verse today, I cried. How sweet is that image of God taking hold of our right hand? I heard Brene’ Brown say the other day that our culture is geared toward independence, but she talked about how children are so free to be completely dependent on adults. They ask for what they need with no shame attached. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I am generally bad at asking for help. I self-talk, “Ellie, you should be able to do this! Just grit your teeth and make it happen!” I so often forget that I can ask the Lord for help. I forget I can ask others for help. I think about my 20 month old boy, who is now running to keep up with his big sister and brother, but when he was learning how to walk, I didn’t shake my head and turn my back on him when he fell down or got a little wobbly. I wasn’t ashamed of him. I leaned down and offered him my hand. I love that this verse reminds us that we’re God’s kids, and that we can ask for help freely. He delights in giving it to us, and it is such a sweet reminder in this more isolated season, that we are never alone. Lord, help me to remember to cry out to you for help. I know you stand at the ready to come help us as we stumble through this life. I’m grateful that when I remember I have you by my side, fear begins to back down. As I remember my hand is in Yours, the grip that fear so often has on me begins to loosen. Help me live like I am held, because it’s true. No matter what we face, we’ve got You taking us by the hand and helping us along the way.