Fighting Words Friday: You Will Find Refuge


He will cover you with his feathers,

    and under his wings you will find refuge;

    his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

-Psalm 91:4

I have always loved this verse. It brings me comfort. It reminds me that Jesus has always been the safest place to run. I have found refuge and rest and healing and hope in His love. I have felt covered even when I was in the midst of extremely difficult circumstances. I love the truth that His faithfulness is our shield and rampart. HIS faithfulness will cover us, will protect us, will surround us, and grants us comfort and hope even in the midst of the most dire circumstances. His faithfulness, not ours. We fall, we fail, we falter, but His faithfulness will cover us every moment of every day. We break, but He holds us. We forget, but He reminds us. We fear, but He doesn’t forsake us. I’m reminding myself in this crazy year, that God is faithful still, and we can take refuge and rest under the covering of His love. Lord, help me turn from my fear to Your faithfulness today.