Fighting Words Friday: Sow in Peace


“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

-James 3:18

Lord, help me to sow peace over and over again. Help me plant seeds of peace even when I disagree with someone. Help us to remember that every human on the planet is made in Your image. Help us to be patient, kind, humble, wise, and full of peace as we are in an election season that feels SO far away from anything that is peaceful. Help us to remember that we have a kind and compassionate rescuer, who is both well acquainted with grief and sorrow, but who also walked out of a grave to forever defeat death and hopelessness. Thank you that we have a Prince of Peace who loves us. Help us to carry our burdens, our worries, our concerns to Him, and as we linger in Your presence, may we be filled with Your love and Your peace, and plant a garden of peace and love wherever we go, so a harvest of peace and love begins to grow in our hearts, our homes, our families, our schools, our churches, in our nation and our world. Remind us all how to be peacemakers and bridge builders, and thank you that we have the ultimate peace maker, and the ultimate load-bearing bridge to lean upon, Jesus Himself.