Fighting Words Friday: Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts


“Let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule in your hearts.”

- Colossians 3:15

Today, I’m reminding myself to the let the peace of Christ rule in my heart. Let it be the anchor that holds us steady as the winds of confusion and storms of division in our nation carry on. Let it be our shelter and resting place, knowing that no matter what happens, the government is still on His shoulders. 

I have a deep hope and longing for the division, the lies, the hate, and the misinformation that perpetuates our political environment right now to cease. I long for our country to be healed from our long history of racism. I long for the wellbeing of all of our citizens here. I will ask for wisdom and I will vote accordingly, but I will also let the peace of Christ rule in my heart no matter how this election turns out.

I will continue to pray for our leaders. I will continue to show up, to listen, to learn, to love, to build bridges instead of burning them, and I’ll continue to trust that He’s still got the whole world in His hands. Lord, help me let the peace of Christ, which belongs to NO political party, be the rudder that guides my heart today and every day. 

I know this will take time, but I’m praying for God’s kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven in this way. No matter where you fall in terms of a political party, I want to remind you have a true home, and it isn’t here. It’s heaven.