Fighting Words Friday: Full Redemption


“Oh Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.” 

-Psalm 130:7

I love this verse because this declaration of God’s unfailing love and full redemption follows the rest of the Psalm, which is crying out for God to listen and to forgive. I’m so grateful that because of Jesus and His love for us displayed on the cross, we can freely cry out to God. We can come as we are, with all of our mistakes and messes. There is forgiveness. There is no need to hide. There is LIVING HOPE no matter what we are facing. ⁣

I’m so thankful that we don’t have to hustle for our worth or earn grace. It’s a free gift. I so often forget it. I want to remember that my hope isn’t in my ability to be good enough or to try hard enough. My hope isn’t in my paycheck or my performance or the number of likes on this post. My hope is in the Lord, the one who made me, the one who loves me, the one who gave everything up so He could draw us near. ⁣

I’d so much rather place my hope in Unfailing Love than in anything else. I want to place my hope in the one who offers FULL redemption... what a promise. I don’t understand how that works itself out... full redemption is hard to imagine, but I know that one day it’s coming. One day, all the sad things are going to come untrue. May I put my hope in the one who will one day renew ALL things. Lord, help me to remember on the days I forget that it’s true, that the only hope I’ve got is YOU.⁣