Fighting Words Friday: Perfect Peace

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“You will keep in perfect peace

    those whose minds are steadfast,

    because they trust in you.”

–Isaiah 26:3 

How many of y’all want some perfect peace in your life? I know I do. So many days my mind and heart are riddled with worry. Worry comes whispering, and fear and doubt and stress follow. I love this promise of peace, mainly because I have known it to be true. When I shift my focus from the problems in my life to the Promise Keeper, there is something that shifts in my heart. When I lean into His strong arms, I begin to remember that He is going to be with me no matter what I face, and peace begins to flood in, flushing out worry and fear.

I’ve known this to be true recently in my parenting journey, in the moments when I feel at the end of myself and need wisdom in how to best shepherd my kids hearts, my tendency is to stress or worry, but instead of staying there, I have been taking a deep breath and asking the Father for wisdom and peace. It has been so beautiful to watch peace flood into the places that are so often occupied by fear. Father, help me to continue to have a steadfast mind as I put my trust in you each moment of each day.