Fighting Words Friday: My Hope is in You

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“Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”

- Psalm 25:5 ⁣

Hey y’all! Happy Christmas-ing. I love this time of year. I really do. People think about giving more often than not, and we just wrapped an online auction that we did to support the work of IJM and raised 106,000!! I was undone. ⁣

In the same breath, this is the time of year when you run into people you know and ask how they are, they say things like, “Crazy busy!” and “You know... this time of the year! We’re slammed.” It’s surely crammed with good things. Christmas and office parties, shopping for gifts for those you love, and wrapping up a year of school or work. I ran across this verse on one of my advent calendars this week, and I’m so grateful for the reminder. By this time of the year, I’m the same way... busy, distracted, and tired, while I try to squeeze in all the extra fun and memories for my kids.⁣

There is also this thing my husband and I are trying to do called parenting, and it is wonderful and rewarding and confounding all in the same breath. There are many moments of clarity and vision that I have as a parent and others when I am at the end of my patience and energy, and I simply don’t know how to best shepherd my kids’ hearts... especially when they are acting like stubborn little sheep. :) ⁣

As I read this verse this week, I was reminded that God is a good father and a kind and gentle guide. I often forget that I can turn from myself and place my hope and trust in HIM. The days are BUSY, but my goodness, when I take just a little time to ask Him for guidance and wisdom, I NEVER regret it. ⁣

Maybe you are parenting too. Maybe you’re just trying to finish your Christmas shopping list. Maybe you’re trying to make a big life decision. Wherever you are in this wonderful and crazy season, I’m hoping you’ll find HOPE in the fact that you don’t have to do any of it alone. Lord, help me turn from the hustle of trying to do things in my own strength to the hope of knowing that I can lean into Your love for me and let You lead me through these busy days. ⁣