Fighting Words Friday: Give Thanks

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“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story-...”

-Psalm 107:1-2

What are you thankful for this week? I love this holiday, that pushes us toward gratitude. God knows it’s good for us. I think He knows, too, that because of His enduring love, we always have a reason to be grateful.

I don’t know about you, but something shifts in my heart when I stop to count the gifts in my life and to express thanks for each one. It also shifts my heart when I remind myself of all the stories I’ve experienced of His faithfulness to me. This is what scripture does for me. It points me to the gifts we have available to us because of His great love and reminds me of the stories of His faithfulness.

I’ll be recounting those stories around our table this week and counting up all of the gifts He’s given us. May I store up gratitude in my heart, Lord, to remind my forgetful soul of Your goodness. Help me to train my eyes to see the beauty of Your love, in every circumstance, and thank you that no matter what we are facing, we always have a reason to sing, a reason to hope. Help us hold tightly to that hope and give thanks for it in every moment. Thank you for the way that practicing thankfulness has turned my heart from grumbling and comparison to praise and gratitude. Continue to help me practice giving thanks, always.