Fighting Words Friday: My Salvation

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song: he has become my salvation.

- Isaiah 12:2

I love this gentle reminder that the Lord is our salvation, our strength, and our song. I love how little this requires of me. God does all the work, pursues us, makes a way from death to life, and invites us into an intimate relationship. What a gift, and the invitation is a wide open door, to allow God's strength to hold me me up, to allow the story of how God's LOVE rescues and redeems become the song my heart sings, and to choose to trust that over all the fear that so often rattles within my heart. I love the shift that happens in my heart when I move from fear to faith. It's not easy, but as I choose to trust God is with me no matter what, peace begins to slowly replace worry and anxiety. It doesn't always change the circumstances in my life, but it certainly almost always changes the posture of my heart, my anxious heart swings from worry to wonder and gratitude as I choose to remember and hold onto hope. Rather than circling around the problems I'm facing over and over again, I get to choose to bring them into the presence of the Prince of Peace, and this always does my heart good. So Lord, help me remember that You are my strength, my salvation, and help my forgetful heart to sing the song of Your love over every moment that fear wants to take the wheel and drive my life. May trust and peace and joy drive instead.