Fighting Words Fighting: Let Light Shine Out of Darkness

For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”

- 2 Corinthians 4:6

Light is always stronger than the darkness. That simple and beautiful truth has stuck with me over the years. It has deeply encouraged me on some of the dark nights of the soul that I’ve walked through. It’s also been a truth I’ve shared with younger kids in my life. I’ll never forget the day I was explaining to a few six-year-old boys that light was always stronger than the darkness, and how they did not believe me! So I had them go test it out. I found a flashlight and said, “Go take this and turn it on in every dark place you can think of and let me know what you see!” So they took that flashlight inside closets, under couches, and in bathrooms with the lights turned off. And you know what? Every time, they would scream, “Ellie!! The light IS stronger! We can see it!!”

God is the Light of the world who shines bright, no matter how dark the night gets. I’m deeply grateful for this truth, and hold it close to my heart especially during the darkest days.