Fighting Words Friday: Give Him Thanks

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

- Psalm 107:1

I take deep comfort in this promise. The Lord is good. His love endures. Forever. I’ve known the enduring love of God most of my life, and I’ve seen Him show up on mountaintops and in deep valleys, in the most mundane moments, and in the moments of failure and falling. I’m so grateful that we’ve always got something to give thanks for. Enduring love is our home, it’s our baseline, it’s our starting place, and when you start and enduring and steadfast love, there’s nowhere to go but growth. We have the nourishment we need for our hearts to be ever expanding. So cheers to grounding each day in this limitless supply of Love we have access to because of beautiful work and story of Jesus.