Fighting Words Friday: Rooted in Thanks

Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught abounding in thanksgiving.

- Colossians 2:7 ESV

Did you know that a tulip poplar’s roots go as deep as the branches go high? That is wild to me! We have two of these massive and magical trees in our back yard, and I’m grateful for the shade they provide in the summer, for the color every fall, and for the bright orange and lime green flowers they drop in our yard each spring. When I think about this verse, I think about how I want to be like the Tulip Poplars in our back yard, with roots that run as deep as possible into the Love of God, and my prayer is that as I send my roots deep into that current of living water, that my life will produce color and shade and flowers for all around me. I pray this for my children as well, and for you. May we establish ourselves in the sturdy love of God, and then live with hearts and lives overflowing with that same source of all Life and Light, abounding with thanksgiving!