Fighting Words Friday: Forgiveness

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

- Ephesians 4:32 ESV

The other day my kids were all arguing about something silly. Do any other parents out there feel like referees in their own homes some days? (insert crazy face with tongue out here) Their tones with each other were harsh and angry, and they all needed to take some space to calm their little bodies down. After a full family time out, I made them all sit in a circle holding hands. They don’t love this at first, but usually it ends up making them laugh, and then I had them sing this verse with me.

This precious verse is an atmosphere changer in our home. It points us back to the author of Love and Forgiveness, and reminds us that we can be kind and tenderhearted because God is kind and tenderhearted towards us. It’s amazing what happens for both me and my kids, when we simply remember we’re loved and forgiven. It expands our hearts to be able to love and forgive in ways we might never be able to on our own.

Thank you God for leading us all in a kind and tenderhearted way. Thank you for the forgiveness you so freely offer to all of us. May we be people marked by kindness, tender hearts, and a deep and wide forgiveness that brings healing and wholeness to ourselves and our communities.